Keep Cool with These 8 Pool Moves

Keep Cool with These 8 Pool Moves.jpg

‘Tis the season to dive into the pool--but what if swimming laps is not really your thing? Not to worry, we have eight exercises to try the next time you want to head out for a swim! Of course, as always, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new fitness or dietary regime, so you can be sure you are being safe while you stay cool in the pool.

1.      Jog in the Water. The deeper the water, the harder this is! Simply run across a particular depth in the pool like you would on land while being sure to keep your knees high. Perform this move for 1 minute at a time.

2.      Scissor Kicks. Begin by resting against the edge of the pool, holding onto the edge with your arms outstretched. Bring your legs up into a V shape and then bring them together, alternating which ankle is on top. It is similar to that move from your pilates class, except there is less crying. Perform two sets of 25 reps.

3.      Flutter Kick. Hang onto the edge of the pool, a kick board, or a pool noodle and flutter your legs behind you! Try to keep your feet under the water for a tougher workout. Perform this move for 1 minute at a time.

4.      Treading Speed Bag. Head to deeper waters and start treading water with your legs. While you tread water, start moving your arms in circles like you are punching an imaginary speed bag under the water. If doing both proves to be too much, alternate between working your legs and your arms. Perform this move for 30 seconds at a time.

5.      Side-to-Side Hops. While keeping your feet together, hop from side to side. The deeper the water, the tougher the move! Perform two sets of 20 reps.

6.      Leg Lifts. Stand with your left side against the side of the pool. Slowly lift your right leg in the water to waist height, then bring it back down. Perform 20 reps on each side. Alternately, you can stand with your back or stomach to the side of the pool and do leg lifts either forward or back.

7.      Standing Water Crunch. Stand in the water with your feet hip width apart. Bring your right knee up to touch your left elbow, then switch. Do two sets of 25 reps. 

8.      Push-ups. No, not that kind of push-up. Start at the edge of the pool with your hands flat on the ground. Lift yourself out of the water, pushing until your arms are straight. Then slowly lower yourself back into the water. Repeat for 10 reps. No cheating by jumping off the bottom of the pool!

Summer is a great time to take advantage of the pool because water workouts can be great for your body. According to Harvard University, “water makes you buoyant, which take the stress off your joints. That can be especially helpful for people who are carrying excess weight.” Additionally, “water also offers resistance as you move through it, which allows you to work out vigorously (if you are able) with little chance of injury.”[1] So what are waiting for? Put on your swimsuit, slather on some sunscreen, and get into the pool!


[1]  “Exercising in Water: Big Heart Benefits and Little Downside - Harvard Health.” Harvard Health Blog, Harvard University, Jan. 2016,

*Bod•ē Pro recommends following a healthy approach to weight loss by consulting with your physician or health care professional prior to starting any new exercise or diet plan.