Beachy Protein Shake featuring the Happy & Skinny Piña Colada

Beachy Protein Shake featuring the Happy & Skinny Piña Colada garnished with a slice of pineapple

Looking for a delicious new way to incorporate the Happy & Skinny Piña Colada into your day? Then look no further than this quick and easy recipe!


•   1 banana, frozen and chopped into chunks

•   1 scoop (25 g) of protein powder

•   3/4 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk

•   1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract

•   1/2 Tablespoon of chia seeds

•   1 sachet of Piña Colada Happy & Skinny

•   A handful of ice cubes



1.      Combine everything into a blender. To make things blend easier, add the liquid first. Blend until smooth.

2.      Garnish with a slice of pineapple if you are feeling fancy, and enjoy!

Do you have a favorite recipe featuring the Happy & Skinny Piña Colada? Let us know in the comments!