Beat the Heat with Verve Pops!
Verve Pops!
With heatwaves everywhere, you are probably looking for a good way to cool off. Look no further than your favorite energy drink, Verve! The refreshing tropical flavor is perfect for summer, so indulge in this easy, one-step recipe to beat the heat.
• Verve OG (how many cans you need will vary depending on the size of your popsicle tray)
• Optional: 2 oz of Strong OG
1. Pour the Verve OG (optionally mixed with Strong OG) into the popsicle tray and carefully place into the freezer.
2. Wait until frozen, then enjoy!
Okay, we lied, there are actually two steps. But now you have a refreshing summer treat, so we are pretty sure you don’t mind. If you love this tasty dessert, post a photo of yourself enjoying this treat and tag us on social media @therealbodepro!