Top Fitness Trends of 2022

Now that we are a few months into 2022, a few major fitness trends have emerged among those pursuing their health and fitness goals. If you are one of those people who have let your resolutions for the new year slide by, do not fear! Check out these top trends and see if any resonate with you as motivation to get back on course with your goals (but be sure to talk to a doctor before starting any new diet or exercise regime).

•   Hybrid gym memberships. Due to Covid, many gyms have been offering hybrid gym memberships that allow members to have access to both in-person workouts as well as online content. This is convenient not only for a possible need to quarantine, but this means that access to fitness classes has become more adaptable to more schedules.

•   Wearable wellness-tracking technology. Whether it is a ring or a watch, more and more people are investing in wearable trackers so they can keep tabs on their fitness. Not only can these track workouts, but they can monitor things like heart rate and time spent asleep, giving a fuller picture of one’s health.

•   Mini workouts. We have said it before on this blog and we will say it again—everyone is busy and it can be hard to find time to workout. Enter the mini workout! Rather than trying to fit in one 45 or 60 minute workout per day, many people are opting for several 5 or 10 minute workouts throughout the day instead.

•   Focusing on a mind-body connection. The last few years have been rough for many of us, and people have been experiencing a lot of burnout. As a result, there has been a surge in focusing on self care and practicing more mindfulness through practices like yoga, tai chi, and therapy.

•   Smart home gyms. When you think of a home gym, there is likely a particular brand of exercise bike that comes to mind, but they are not the only players in the market. With many people unable to return to in-person gyms, some have been trying to create their own gym at home. If you have the space for it, this can be hugely convenient because going to the gym is as easy as walking into the other room![1]


What are your favorite emerging fitness trends of the year! Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you embrace these trends to keep your mind and Bodē Strong!

[1] Weller, Jenny. “12 Fitness Trends for 2022 .” Glofox, Boutique Fitness and Gym Management Software - Glofox, 9 Dec. 2021,