Explore the Benefits of a Spin Class
Explore the benefits of a spin class
When we talk about spinning, we are not referring to spinning around in circles until you get really dizzy before trying to pin the tail on the donkey. Instead, we are investigating the health benefits of spin classes. Spinning is basically a high intensity, indoor cycling class led by an instructor and generally lasts 40-60 minutes, either in person or via a home program like Peloton. It can be an easy way to get in a solid workout that will not take up a ton of your time. Here are a few ways a spin class can positively impact your health and workout routine:
• Burn those calories. If you are looking for an intense workout that will burn a bunch of calories, spin class might be a good option for you. “A one-hour long ride at a moderate intensity burns approximately 420 to 622 calories at a moderate pace, according to Harvard Health. When you put it side-by-side with Hatha yoga’s 240 to 356 calories burned per hour, it puts that number into perspective.”
• Make your heart happy. Did you know spin classes can be beneficial to your heart? “Spinning can be performed as an anaerobic exercise, pulling energy from reserves and building up muscular endurance over an extended timeframe. However, there are also aerobic benefits. Spinning classes include both endurance and cardiovascular training. Heart health is one of the most obvious benefits of spinning, as is lung capacity. As we work harder, we will learn to work on controlled breathing, as well. This can help with anxiety and help lower the heart rate when in a situation where physical exertion begins to take the breath away.”
• Build lean muscle definition. As with many different types of exercise, you can expect to build some muscle. “The primary muscular definition you can get from spinning will be in your legs and core muscles, since those are the main muscles you use to ride.” But it is not just your legs that can see some positive impact. “Spinning Instructors should always cue reminders about technique and posture. Correct posture is essential to work the correct muscle groups.”[1] This can lead to a stronger core which, in turn, can greatly improve your posture and other areas of your health.
• Your ride can be fully adaptable. Because you are inside in a controlled environment, you can modify your workouts to adapt to any physical issues you may have, such as an injury.
• Spinning offers you the opportunity to work out in a group setting. Although some of us may prefer a more solitary workout experience, there are numerous advantages to working out in a group setting. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, “some of the benefits [of group exercise] include exposure to a social and fun environment, a safe and effectively designed workout, a consistent exercise schedule, [and] an accountability factor for participating in exercise.”[2]
What are you waiting for? Go check out your local spin class and see if this exercise is for you! Of course, be sure to discuss any new diet or exercise program with your physician first, but if you are looking for a fun, high-impact workout where you can meet other people who share your enthusiasm for fitness, spin class might be a great fit for you.
[1] “The Top 10 Benefits of Spinning® Class.” Spinning®, 18 Apr. 2018, spinning.com/spinlife/the-top-10-benefits-of-spinning-class/.
[2] Dolan, Ph.D., R.D., CSSD, Shawn. “Benefits of Group Exercise.” American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM, 7 Oct. 2016, www.acsm.org/public-information/articles/2016/10/07/benefits-of-group-exercise.