5 Home Office Exercises

The mid-afternoon slump, that time in the day when you’re struggling to keep your eyes open and you’re wondering how inappropriate it would be to take a nap under your desk. Granted, if you are working from home during the quarantine, there’s probably no one to judge you aside from your pets. However, you never know when the next pop-up video meeting is going to happen (and pro tip: carpet indentations on your cheek do not look professional). Instead of grabbing a soda for a temporary sugar rush, choose a healthier option to help you power through the rest of your work day. Mix up a glass of Bod•ē Strong to enhance the exercise potential of the following moves you can do at your desk to get your blood flowing*:

•   Hidden Leg Raises: This one doesn’t even require you to stand, but it’s sure to make you feel the burn in your legs. While seated, raise one or both of your legs and hold in place for at least five seconds. Then, lower your leg(s), but don’t let them touch the ground. Repeat for 15 reps. If you’re looking for a harder challenge, add another set or try looping your purse or briefcase around your ankle for extra weight.

•   Give Yourself a Hand: Sit in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and clasp your hands in front of you like you’re shaking hands with yourself, with one thumb pointed towards the floor and the other towards the ceiling. Pull your arms apart while keeping your hands clasped for 10 seconds or more, then repeat. You should really feel the burn in your biceps, making this a great way to wake up those arm muscles!

•   Puff Out Your Chest: You work hard and you should feel proud of yourself! But you know what else you might feel like? A troll hunched over your keyboard all day. To loosen up those back muscles, sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, then pull your shoulder blades back like you’re trying to hold a packet of Bod•ē Strong between them. Hold for at least 10 seconds and repeat. Your back and chest will thank you, and, as an added bonus, you get to feel like the hero of the fairytale instead of the creature lurking under a bridge.

•   Twist and Crunch: If you have a swivel chair at your desk, put it to work and boost your core! Sit straight up in your chair and hover your feet slightly above the floor. Hold onto the edge of your desk with your thumbs and forefingers and, using your core, twist your chair back and forth for 15 counts on each side. Make sure you don’t let your arms do any of the work; you want to keep all the effort in your core to maximize this move.

•   Isolate Your Isometrics: Don’t just sit on your rear all day; make it work for you! To tone your glutes, squeeze your buttocks for 5 to 10 seconds, then release. Repeat until that endless meeting that could’ve been an email is over, or until your glutes need a break.

Now that you have taken care of the mid-afternoon slump, you can feel ready to tackle the rest of your day, quarantine or no!


*Note: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Bod•ē Pro recommends following a healthy approach to weight loss by consulting with your physician or health care professional prior to starting any new exercise or diet plan.