Bodē Talk

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Your Skin & Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid might sound like a bit of a mystery at first, but it is a popular ingredient in many personal care products that you likely have in your bathroom cabinet. This substance is “naturally present in the human body”[1] and can be used for a wide variety of health applications, including aging skin. Hyaluronic acid (HA) can help keep your skin moisturized, increase elasticity, and encourage healthier soft tissues while also increasing the body’s natural collagen production.* HA is also a key component for your skin because this clear substance is naturally produced by your body to help retain moisture and lubricate your joints and eyes. As your natural supply of HA goes down due to aging and outside damaging factors (the sun, pollution, harsh environments, etc.), the likelihood for dry, thinning, and wrinkled skin greatly increases.

Much like with your natural supply of collagen, HA is an essential molecule that naturally dries up as you get older. About 50% of the HA in your body is contained in your skin, where it has a unique capacity in binding with water to help naturally retain moisture. HA is unique in that it attracts H20 molecules in one hand and collagen protein in the other. It compounds on the benefits of collagen while adding in the benefit of upgraded hydration to provide you with a truly well-rounded approach to healthier skin.*

If you look at any topical skin care product, it will likely contain HA, which is great for improving hydration in the short-term. But where HA really shines, where it truly delivers advanced and longer-lasting results, is when you take it as a supplement. As for a supplement…we here at Bodē Pro strive to be at the forefront of scientific wellness and we might have something up our sleeve, click here to learn more!

[1] “Hyaluronic Acid: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews.” WebMD, WebMD,