Which is More Nutritious: White Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes?
Which is More Nutritious: White Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes?
We are all aware of the variety of potatoes at the grocery store (and at the table during Thanksgiving), but the question stands—is one healthier than the other? Many of us have opted for sweet potato fries instead of regular French fries under the theory that the sweet potato fries are better for you, but are they really? We decided to do a deep dive on one of our favorite starches to learn a little bit more. To start, potatoes and sweet potatoes, although both root vegetables, are not in the same family. “Potatoes are part of the nightshade family, while sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory clan.” They also differ in appearance, as most of us already know. “Regular potatoes have white or yellow flesh inside, while sweet potatoes are known for having orange innards. Both typically have brownish skin; though, that can vary depending on the variety. There are more than 4,000 different types of potatoes and 1,000 varieties of sweet potatoes grown around the globe.”
However, they share a lot of similarities in regards to nutrition:
• Carbohydrates: A lot of diet culture has taught us to fear carbs, but carbohydrates are necessary for your body to produce energy and both “potatoes and sweet potatoes are considered starchy vegetables given their high-carb content.”
• Potassium: Both potatoes and sweet potatoes actually have more potassium than a banana!
• Fiber: Both have lots of fiber, but about half of the fiber in each vegetable is located in the skin of the potato or sweet potato (ensure you wash the skin well to get rid of the dirt).
• Vitamins B6 and C: “A medium-sized potato or sweet potato supplies about 30% of your recommended daily value of vitamin B6 [and] about one-third of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C.”[1]
So now we know how potatoes and sweet potatoes are similar, but how do they differ? Check out the nutritional comparison below between a medium-sized potato and a comparable sweet potato:
White Potatoes VS Sweet Potatoes
When we examine the chart, we see that sweet potatoes have a slight edge over white potatoes, but neither is a bad choice when it comes to your diet (but check with your doctor before making any changes to your nutritional choices). What are your favorite ways to enjoy potatoes and sweet potatoes? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you live your best Bodē Pro life!
[1] “Potato or Sweet Potato: Which Is Healthier?” Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, 29 June 2022, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/white-potatoes-vs-sweet-potatoes-which-is-healthier/.