Surprising Drinks That Break a Fast

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When you are participating in an intermittent fasting style of eating, waiting out the fasting period can be tough. Many of us reach for drinks to help us wait patient for the eating window, but could your drinks be breaking your fast before you are ready? Here are a few culprits that might be making your intermittent fasting journey more difficult:

•   Milk

•   Seltzer with artificial sweeteners (watch for hidden sugars)!

•   Fruit juice

•   Protein drinks

•   Coffee with milk

Surprised by any of the items on that list? We were, too! So if you cannot have anything listed above, what can you drink during a fasting period?

•   Water. “Plain or carbonated water contains no calories and will keep you hydrated during a fast.”

•   Coffee and tea.We mentioned coffee earlier in the no-no list, but the important distinction here is additives. Both coffee and tea “should mostly be consumed without added sugar, milk, and cream” to maintain a fast.

•   Diluted apple cider vinegar. “Some people find that drinking 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 mL) of apple cider vinegar mixed into water can help them stay hydrated and prevent cravings during a fast.”

•   Healthy fats. “Some people drink coffee containing MCT oil, ghee, coconut oil, or butter during their fast. Oil breaks a fast, but it won’t break ketosis and can tide you over between meals.”

The biggest thing to watch out for are drinks containing any calories, which can include the healthy fats item on the above list; these will technically break your fast. “However, small amounts of these low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein foods won’t throw your body out of ketosis.”[1] Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new fitness or dietary regime; they can also further guide you on the best consumables while fasting.

What are your favorite drinks to enjoy during your fasting period as you’re trying to encourage ketosis? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you rock your intermittent fasting!

[1] Panoff, Lauren. “What Breaks a Fast? Foods, Drinks, and Supplements.” Healthline, Red Ventures, 26 Sept. 2019,