The Psychology of Motivation
Get motivated & stay motivated.
Whenever you want to start something new, health-based or otherwise, you need a certain level of motivation. It’s the difference between getting up and taking a walk around the block versus staying on your couch to watch just one more episode of your favorite show on Netflix. Sometimes people are motivated simply by their own desires, and others need to be motivated by outside forces. For example, the former is like someone who works out alone and does it every day and the latter is more like someone who is more likely to work out if they go to a spin class with friends. However, the reason why there is variance from one person to the next in regards to motivation is not a simple answer. “Judging from the panoply of motivational books, speeches, videos, and how-to guides, you'd think that psychology has the surefire answer that can explain the simple basis for our many complex behaviors. As it turns out, the complexity of our behavior requires a complex set of explanatory ideas.”[1] Whether your motivation is driven by instinct, drive reduction, or something else, you can learn to help hack your motivation to achieve your health and fitness goals!
• Set attainable goals. If you want to lose 50 lbs in one week, that is not a reasonable or healthy goal. However, you also want to avoid making your goal too easy. “Goals should be calibrated at a precise level of difficulty. If the goal is too hard, you might be too intimidated to begin. If the goal is too easy, you might be too bored to finish. The optimal goal is slightly out of reach—it presents a challenge but one that’s attainable. This concept is called the Goldilocks effect: People engage most with material at the precipice of complexity.”
• Achieve your goals. Easier said than done, right? It might seem daunting, but the key to staying motivated and accomplishing your goals can be found in several different methodologies. You could try scheduling time to work on your goal, changing your location or style, or keeping a tangible record of your progress. “If a goal feels too daunting, break it up into smaller tasks. If you still have trouble, explore the barriers standing in the way. Maybe you need to refine your time frame or resolve an underlying psychological issue. Continuing to pursue your goals, despite the setbacks, can instill a sense of confidence and agency.”[2]
What is your favorite way to life hack your motivation? Let us know in the comments and on social media @therealbodepro!