Bodē Talk

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The Science of Healthy Skin

            We all want beautiful, healthy skin, but does it just come down to genetics? Our genes certainly play a role, but that’s not the only factor at work when it comes to the science of healthy skin. Diet can affect the quality of our skin, but not in the way you might think. There’s a lingering misconception that if you eat a ton of sugar, it’ll cause blemishes on the skin, when in fact, sugar does more damage beneath the surface where you can’t see it right away. “This is attributed to the damage sugar can do to the collagen in our skin whose function deteriorates as we get older. ‘Once it gets attached to collagen, it makes the collagen brittle and more likely to break and it is also more difficult for the skin to repair itself,’ says Dr David Gunn, senior scientist at Unilever.”[1] If you’re looking for a collagen boost, consider checking out Bod•ē Strong, which helps to maintain healthy skin and supports collagen production.*

The sun also plays a large role in regards to skin damage. UVA and UVB rays can be very harmful, so be sure to apply sunscreen every time you go outside. Additionally, be sure you cleanse your skin regularly. You don’t want to overdo it, but you want to make sure you get the gunk off your face at the end of the day--no sleeping in makeup! Speaking of makeup, be sure to regularly clean your brushes, as they can be a haven for bacteria. The same goes for your phone. “According to a Stanford University study, that iPhone you can't keep your hands off of can get more germ-infested than a toilet in a subway bathroom. In fact, the glass touchscreens on mobile devices are so good at spreading viruses that sharing them may be almost as bad as sneezing in someone's face. Here's a scary thought: All those germs land right on your cheek and jawline every time you chat away, causing pimples and irritation.”[2]

Above all, don’t forget to hydrate! The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommend an average water intake of 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluid for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. However, this is not a hard and fast rule as adjustments might need to be made to your personal intake based on several factors like exercise, environment, or your overall health. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you might have so they can make a safe recommendation about your water intake.

What are your favorite tips for keeping your skin healthy and radiant? Let us know in the comments!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


[1] Ali, Rozina. “Healthy Lifestyle and the Science of Good Skin Care.” BBC News, BBC, 23 July 2012,

[2] Giglio, Karina. “30 Beauty Tips: Get Rid of Acne for Smooth Skin.” Women's Health, Women's Health, 25 May 2018,