What are Mitochondria?

If there’s one thing we’ve retained from the science classes we took in school, it’s “the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell!” But what exactly does that mean? Every living thing is made up of cells. The power source of those cells are mitochondria and, according to the University of Cambridge, the mitochondria produce about 90% of the cellular energy needed for cells to survive.[1] Essentially, they’re the energy generators of life, which is pretty cool.

However, mitochondria are so much more than just your body’s batteries. “They also produce chemicals that your body needs for other purposes, break down waste products so they’re less harmful, and recycle some of those waste products to save energy. Mitochondria also regulate a lot of other functions within the cells.[2] Who knew something so tiny had such a big job?

Something this important on a cellular level can have a big impact on all levels of life. Think of it like a house. If the foundation isn’t built properly, it can cause major issues for your home. You can freshen up the paint and change the curtains, but if you’re ignoring a foundation issue, sooner or later everything is going to come crashing down around you. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your body is in great shape, from the foundation to the rafters, so you can weather any storm ahead!

[1] “What Are Mitochondria?” What Are Mitochondria? | MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, University of Cambridge, 7 Nov. 1970, www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk/what-are-mitochondria.

[2] “Mitochondria – The Power House of the Cell, Factories, Waste Disposal, Recycling Centers, and the Assassins.” Energic X USAenergicxusa.com/mitochondria-the-power-house-of-the-cell-factories-waste-disposal-recycling-centers-and-the-assassins/.